The hill Craig Dunain, also known as “the Mast” is located on the outskirts of Inverness, it is a mountain nicknamed after the radio mast that was planted at the top of it. The type of trails you will find here are best suited for intermediate to advanced riders. The trails here are not marked on Trailfork, for this spot Strava is better.
The hill is steep, and I felt it both up and down. There are two uphill lines, one on each side of the trails. I can’t really recommend either as they are both as challenging as each other. What I can recommend though, is to push through. If you survive the climb, you have a choice between a multitude of short, steep, intense trails with tight and slippery turns. Every trail we rode was just insane.
It is a popular spot and we met lots of local riders who showed us different lines. There is also a jump line, which although it was not in the best condition when we were there, we were still able to ride sections. Note that some parts are big, very big!
Parking point: Forester’s Way road (57.462218,-4.278628) at the little pond